Item 1064476 94/04/07 04:03 From: DARREN_SMITH@NEXT.COM@INET01# Internet Gateway Subject: ObjectWare Catalog: CALL FOR SUBMISSIONS FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Carol Westberg Westberg, Brown and Co. One MacDonald Drive Hanover, NH 03755 (603) 643-2082 katya! NeXT will be publishing the 1994 ObjectWare Catalog at NEXTSTEP Expo. This publication was developed to provide opportunities for you to promote your object(s) to the NEXTSTEP community. We encourage you to participate in this marketing piece, as it is used heavily by customers, NeXT's direct sales force and NeXT's indirect sales partners. Participation in this publication can be one of your most effective sales tools !! Attached please find submission guidelines for participating in the catalog. Please follow the guidelines and note the deadline for submitting information. We will look forward to receiving your information. Thank you, Developer Programs OBJECTWARE: A Catalog of Objects and Kits for NEXTSTEP, 1994 SUBMISSION GUIDELINES NeXT Developer Relations is producing a 1994 catalog to showcase NEXTSTEP objects and kits from independent third-party developers. The catalog will be available to customers, resellers, and the NeXT sales force. The Objectware catalog is one of NeXT's most valuable sales tools. Third-party products currently shipping, or scheduled to ship by December 1994, are eligible for entry. You must be a member of the NEXTSTEP Registered Developer Program in order for your products to be included in the catalog. If you would like to join the NEXTSTEP Registered Developer Program please call 1-800-TRY-NEXT or 415-780-3990 to obtain an application. Product descriptions for the catalog must be received no later than Wednesday, April 13! If you're a NEXTSTEP Registered Developer and want your product listed, please follow these guidelines carefully. *Each product must have its own separate, complete entry. Don't include multiple products in the same submission. *Submissions must be in electronic form, preferably sent by electronic mail. You may send them on a floppy disk or on optical disk. *Use Edit as your word processor. Spell out abbreviations and capitalize proper names exactly as you would like them to appear in the catalog. *Don't use a bold or italic font, and don't format your text with multiple columns. *Unless you clearly indicate otherwise, the catalog will state that you can accept orders from, and deliver product to, customers worldwide. *Please do not include icons or other graphics. *Make sure that everyone in your company who needs to approve your copy does so before you submit it. Each submission should include the following: 1.Suggested product category - See Product Category Choices at the end of this form. - Choose only one category, even if several fit your product. 2.Official product name 3.Product description in no more than 160 words - Material that is too long will be returned to you to edit. - Focus on your product's key capabilities and what sets it apart from similar products. Please do not quote reviewers. - Insert a blank line between paragraphs. - Include trademark symbols (<>) when you first mention trademarked products or companies in the description. 4.Company name 5.E-mail address for product information (optional) - Please use lowercase letters 6.Company phone number(s) - You must include a non-800 number for international callers. 7.Company fax number(s) - Add "fax" after the number. For example: 123-456-7890 fax - You must include a non-800 number for international callers. 8.Name, phone numbers, and e-mail address for your distributor 9.Product availability - Type "Shipping now" or the month, if later than May 1994. Do not submit entries for products shipping later than December 1994. - Indicate availability on each platform: Motorola-based, Intel-based, and HP PA-RISC-based NEXTSTEP. - Indicate whether your product will support OpenStep. 10.List price - Indicate price for product on each platform. - At least one price should be in U.S. dollars. - List no more than three currencies. 11.Trademark information - We publish trademark information for products mentioned in the catalog. You must include appropriate trademark symbols for your products as well as for ancillary products you mention. - You do not need to provide trademark symbols for NeXT products. 12. Name of the contact person for this catalog submission - This will not appear in the catalog. - Please designate a single person to be responsible. 13.Phone number, fax number, and e-mail address for the contact person if different from questions 4-6 above - This will not appear in the catalog. 14. Your organization's Registered Developer Number. - This will not appear in the catalog. Remember, entries must be received no later than April 13! Please send e-mail submissions to: katya! Entitle your e-mail "1994ObjectWareBook_YourCompanyName" Send submissions on disk to: Carol Westberg Westberg, Brown and Co. One MacDonald Drive Hanover, NH 03755 We will confirm receipt of your materials. If you have not heard from us within 14 days after you mailed your materials, call (603) 643-2082. All submissions become property of NeXT Computer, Inc. NeXT reserves the right to edit all submissions and to change product category suggestions. PRODUCT CATEGORY CHOICES 1.Communication Objects & Device Drivers 2.Database Systems & Objects 3.Development Tools & Utilities 4.Financial & Data Analysis Tools 5.Graphics & 3D Objects 6.Information Display Objects 7.Networking & Telecommunications 8.Sound, Music, & Multimedia 9. User Interface Objects =END=